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2024 RCPCH EQIP: Innovations to improve care for paediatric epilepsy patients event

On 6 June 2024, we celebrated the excellent work of the of the wave 4 EQIP teams by providing an opportunity to share learnings from various QI project improvement interventions developed and implemented by paediatric epilepsy teams.

By mdavidfeveck · 27 June 2024

The RCPCH Epilepsy Quality Improvement Programme (EQIP) provides paediatric epilepsy teams with practical training and support to help uncover the gaps in service provision and develop interventions that meet their specific needs. 

 Nearly 30 health professionals attended the in-person event at the RCPCH in London, with the shared goal of learning from each other and improving the care provided to children and young people with epilepsy. 

 One the day activities 

On the day, participant paediatric epilepsy teams showcased their achievements and discussed lessons learned during their QI journey. EQIP teams presented on their project interventions that cover QI topics on:  

  • reducing variation in SUDEP discussion,  
  • developing anti-seizure medication discontinuation plans, 
  • improving mental health support pathways 
  • improving transition to adult services.  

 The conference was chaired by Jonathan Bamber, Head of QI, RCPCH and teams shared their experiences with time for audience discussion points on the challenges navigating the number of available mental health screening tools, the barriers engaging adult epilepsy service staff to improve transition pathways, the lack of engagement between service staff and ICB leads, innovative ways to engage children and young people such as using Velcro boards and reflections on their own local service improvements. 

If you have any questions about the event, or would like to contact the EQIP teams, please email the EQIP team at eqip@rcpch.ac.uk

Presentations on the day 

RCPCH Epilepsy Quality Improvement Programme (EQIP) overview 

Dr Patricia O’Connor, QI trainer, Honorary Professor, University of Stirling in the Faculty of Healthcare Sciences and Sport, and CEO, QI Discovery 

Educate, Collaborate, Engage and Change: voice in QI  

Emma Sparrow, Head of Children, Young People & Engagement, RCPCH  

Design and implement a transition package for children and young people from 16 that enables them to understand and manage their epilepsy, by May 2024 

Northern Care Alliance NHS foundation Trust Oldham Care

To develop and implement a personalised transition plan for CYP with epilepsy for 40% of my caseload and map transition care pathways in line with the National Epilepsy Care Bundle. 

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 

To establish a pathway for 50% of CYP aged 14-16 to transition CYP’s into adult services by May 2024 

West Hertfordshire University Trust 

To utilise the Strengths and Difficulties (SDQ) screening tool in 50% of young people aged 14 and above with a diagnosis of Epilepsy, on our caseload by May 2024. 

Northern Care Alliance (Salford) NHS Trust

To design, test and implement a mental health screening process and signpost CYP to a range of appropriate resources by May 2024. 

Isle of Wight Trust NHS Trust 

By May 2024 all children / young people aged 13 – 18 attending our epilepsy clinic will have mental health screening, use patient feedback to identify service requirements. 

East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 

To discuss the risk of SUDEP with Parents/ carers and Children / young people (CYP) and provide them with written information in 75% of clinical encounters by May 2024 

Central and North West London NHS Trust

Weaning of antiseizure medications after acute symptomatic seizures: a quality improvement project

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children team

Improving patient engagement activities to better inform service delivery  

York and Scarborough ICB 

Previous EQIP teams presentation on the day 

 Child and Young Person Epilepsy Concerns Checklist : Improving Care for Children with Epilepsy 

Dr Gabriel Whitlingum, Consultant in Paediatric Neurodisability, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Dr Erin Bannister, Foundation Year 1 Doctor, Royal Hampshire County Hospital Trust  

To strengthen mental health referral pathways and develop a mental health support package;for existing patients aged 11-17yrs, for all new patients aged 11-17yrs  

Dr Katherine Hunter, Consultant Paediatrician, epilepsy interest, Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 

Improving the epilepsy pathway: one seizure at a time

Presentation by Dr Eve Bassett, Consultant Paediatrician, Epilepsy and Neurology Lead, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust