
Registration is open for the RCPCH EQIP: Innovations to improve care for paediatric epilepsy patients event.

Register for your place now!

By mdavidfeveck · 14 December 2021

Date: Thursday 17 March 2022

Time: 12:30 pm to 16.00pm

Venue location:  Virtual via Zoom

Please join us on 17 March 2022, at 12:30pm – 16:00pm, to hear the EQIP teams describe their quality improvement journey and what they have achieved so far.

Learn how they have used quality improvement to make incremental changes within their service and how they have adapted under the ongoing pressures of the pandemic.

The event will provide an opportunity to share learning across a variety of themes covered by the project interventions of EQIP teams, including:

  • Improving and adapting the transition process to adult services
  • Reducing referral waiting times for first seizure pathway
  • Increasing the patient voice and improving patient experience
  • Developing an integrated care pathway and increasing specialist input
  • Toolkit for clinicians to use for providing information on SUDEP to families
  • Improving the mental health pathway
  • Digital updates to the Epilepsy Passport

The event is free to attend and a full programme is available to download.

Register for the event