Young epilepsy mental health campaign: #OnTopOfEpilepsy
There's more to epilepsy than seizures. Let's get on top of it.
At the end of May Young Epilepsy launched their mental health campaign: #OnTopOfEpilepsy.
It is a youth-led campaign, it was created for, and with, young people with epilepsy, to ensure they remain at the centre of the campaign. They are currently asking children/young people to Tell Us about their experiences regarding their mental health journeys, which will help make a case for better mental health support.
#OnTopOfEpilepsy campaign seeks to highlight the relationship between epilepsy and mental health.
They are inviting young people to take part and tell us their experiences of living with epilepsy and their mental health journeys, which will help us make the case for better mental health support. It is all anonymous and should only take a couple of mins!
The campaign will be asking the NHS to improve children’s and young people’s access to mental health support as an integrated part of their epilepsy care.
Also, if you’re interested in your mental health journey to potentially form part of our campaign’s real-life stories, please email: