Relaunch of Guide to the Epilepsy12 audit 2018/19 – written by children and young people for children and young people
Epilepsy12 is a national audit aiming to improve the quality of care for children and young people with epilepsies in the UK. This guide describes the care provided by paediatric epilepsy services in England and Wales, including their improvement strategies, and was produced as a useful resource for patients and parents.
Epilepsy is common condition affecting around one in every 200 children and young people in the UK. The Epilepsy12 national audit collects information about care for children and young people with seizures. We aim to help the NHS understand the strengths and ways to improve epilepsy services in England and Wales.
This guide summarises Epilepsy12 results published in 2020 in our combined annual report. It includes information about the care provided to patients (clinical audit), as well as the services available within each NHS Trust and Health Board area (organisational audit).