Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates celebrate their third birthday!
The Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates are thrilled to be celebrating their third birthday!

The Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates are thrilled to be celebrating their third birthday! At their first meeting of 2022, they brainstormed exciting plans for this year focusing on the new priority areas. The group of epilepsy experienced or interested children, young people and families are keen to raise mental health and school awareness of epilepsy.
Their hope is that soon “every young person is asked about their mood at every hospital appointment and is given the time for themselves and their families to voice any

The meeting also allowed the group to reflect on all their hard work over the three years and the reach their work has had. Children, young people and their families share the best and hardest parts of their epilepsy journeys. They do this in the hope that their experiences will help improve others’ journeys and influence change in healthcare systems.