Epilepsy 12 publication – 2023 combined organisational and clinical audits
The Epilepsy12 project team are pleased to announce that we have published the National Clinical Audit of Seizures and Epilepsies for Children and Young People (Epilepsy12) 2023 combined organisational and clinical audits: Report for England and Wales Round 4, cohort 4 (2020-2022).
The Epilepsy12 project team are pleased to announce that we have published the National Clinical Audit of Seizures and Epilepsies for Children and Young People (Epilepsy12) 2023 combined organisational and clinical audits: Report for England and Wales Round 4, cohort 4 (2020-2022). You can now access and download this report directly from our website.
First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the dedicated staff at NHS Trusts and Health Boards in England and Wales for their invaluable contribution to the audit. We are truly appreciative of the significant time and effort dedicated by NHS administrators, clinical audit staff, analysts, doctors, nurses, EEG teams and all other individuals who played a vital role in completing the audit.
Epilepsy12 participation, data completeness and case ascertainment has increased since last year and the 2023 figures were above those from cohort 1, which was pre-pandemic. The quality and volume of data submission is a testament to your hard work and has made this year’s analysis possible.
The Epilepsy12 2023 report offers insight into the care children and young people with epilepsy receive. It focuses on the following 4 areas of care, which were derived from key findings from the 2022 organisational and the Round 4 Cohort 4 clinical audits. National recommendations based on these data were also made within each area.
1. Holistic care
2. Equitable care
3. Care within education
4. Limited improvements in care
You can also find updates on the work of the Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates, the Organisation of Paediatric Epilepsy Networks in the United Kingdom (OPEN UK), the NHS England and Young People (CYP) Transformation Programme Team, the Epilepsy Quality Improvement Programme (EQIP), and a quality improvement case study from University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The full clinical and organisational extended analyses can also be accessed on our website and each Trust/Health Board’s designated lead should have already received their unit-level report, providing detailed insights specific to their organisation. We are also working on updated clinic posters, and we will reach out to you as soon as they become available.
Thank you again for your continued support. Please get in touch using the details below if you have any queries.
Kind Regards,
Epilepsy12 Project Team
020 7092 6157