
Epilepsy12 Quarterly Performance Indicator Reports

Epilepsy12 will also begin to refresh performance indicators in the public domain on a quarterly basis, beginning in June 2023. This will be hosted online through Power BI, with a view to host these quarterly reports on our new platform once that is published in December.

By mdavidfeveck · 19 July 2023

Epilepsy12 will also begin to refresh performance indicators in the public domain on a quarterly basis, beginning in June 2023. This will be hosted online through Power BI, with a view to host these quarterly reports on our new platform once that is published in December.

The first report in June will contain all of the data submitted on cohort 5 so far, with each subsequent quarter report adding to the previous one.

To continue supporting the work of the NHS England Epilepsy Oversight Group, the dashboard will also provide outputs of the 6 key metrics requested by the Group, 4 of which are sit within the 10 Epilepsy12 key metrics with the remaining two requested by the Oversight Group to help to benchmark against the Group’s key areas of focus.